Yuri Navarro
CEO, National Angel Capital Organization (NACO)

Yuri Navarro is a strategy consultant with more than eight years of experience working with government and businesses in the Ontario technology sector.
In his role as CEO, Yuri brings his unique mixture of public and private sector experience to help expand NACO’s role as the leading organization representing Canadian Angel Investors with industry and government.
Yuri has presided over the renewal and growth of the National Angel Capital Organization since 2012 by focusing on the organization’s value to stakeholders and supporting the growth and professionalization of Canada’s Angel asset-class with resources, best practices and research.
Yuri’s time in Government included working as Policy Advisor and Chief of Staff to the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, focusing primarily on developing opportunities to benefit Ontario’s Economy, and overseeing the government’s strategy for supporting Small and Medium Enterprises. As a Policy Advisor to the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, Yuri was also instrumental in developing the provincial strategy on energy conservation and smart grid under the Green Energy and Green In 2009, Yuri founded NAVY Global Consulting where he has worked with technology clients, mainly operating in the energy sector, to commercialize their innovative solutions and bring products to market. As an advisor to Ryerson’s Centre for Urban Energy, Yuri supported efforts to set up the CUE’s business accelerator program and help energy sector entrepreneurs to commercialize their urban energy innovations.
Yuri is a graduate of Ryerson University’s Commerce program and George Brown College’s Financial Planning program and holds a number of designations with the Canadian Securities Institute.